Sometimes life takes you on unexpected adventures. This has been one of them for me.

I am so excited to be giving a workshop during Lilydale’s opening week on Monday June 24. What an honor.

If you have never heard about Lilydale, it was one of he first places I was led during my dark night and spiritual awakening. It is the oldest spiritualist community in the United States. They have amazing programming during their summer season filled with healings, messages and insights.

If you are in the area, I would love to see you there and if you would like to attend this workshop, I am always here for you.

Journey From The Dark Night Into The Light

Are you going through your “dark night of the soul” journey? You know the one where your life totally falls apart and you have no option but to surrender. You must go deep within yourself to understand yourself and the changing world around you from a different perspective. The biggest myth I hear is that the dark night has to take a long time and be painful for you to move through. This is simply not true. If you are finding yourself at the eye of the storm, there are fundamental principles to make it through this journey with less chaos and emotional turmoil. It doesn’t have to be difficult and it doesn’t have to take a long time.

In this workshop, receive guidance on how to:

  • take the body out of crisis mode to open up and hold high vibration energies;
  • understand your belief systems differently and shift them to live from an empowered state of being all the time;
  • understand your emotions so they become your guide map through life;
  • connect deeply with spirit to get the guidance and support through the tough times faster and easier than you thought possible.

To find out more or to register follow this link:

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